You are more than you think you are
A lovely reminder about authenticity. Too often facilitators adopt the role of the uninvolved, disinterested session leaders. This little post reminds us that who we are is as important as what we are doing:
Once long ago, when asked by a reporter if he had a message he wanted the world to hear, Gandhi replied, “My life is my message.”
Whether we like it or not, this statement is just as true for you and me today as it was for Gandhi then. Who we are and how we are is the medium through which our message travels. That medium is far richer and truer than what we say in words. ”¨”¨When we present our material to a group we are facilitating or training, what we’re really presenting is ourselves. Our deepest, thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes, and aspirations come through as an unspoken wave of information that others pick up at a level usually below their conscious awareness. Yet this material influences others more powerfully than mere words. So in a very real way, you are your material, and your life is your message!