Updating the blogroll
I’m synching up my blogroll with my RSS subscriptions. This means that what you see on the left under “Good Reads” are actually the subs in my Bloglines account. I lament the fact that this means I can’t keep up with some very good blogs, because they either don’t publish feeds, or they publish partial feeds. It’s a time and convienence issue. Also, partial feeds just don’t work for me. The only site that manages to pull me with a partial feed is defective yeti. Everyone else usually gets a miss. I know this is not a quirk specific to me either. My advice to any blogger is turn on your feed and make it a full feed. Then you show up on your readers’ radar in all your glory!
I’m going through my old blogroll and checking who’s got their feeds turned on, so the list will change a little over the next week. After that, it’s synched and I’m rolling. Let me know if I miss you.