The Giving Library and letting things circulate by themselves
Gerry made a comment a couple of days ago about sharing books:
I like the idea, especially the boomerang function, where the books come back. But I have to say, I’m far more taken by the unconditional anarchy of BookCrossing! It makes it hard to coordinate something, but Bookcrossing has the gift theory thing DOWN in practice!
And here’s another example, courtesy of my friend Terry McGee in Australia who is an Irish flute maker. He has what he calls a Roving Ambassador flute, which travels the world from one potential customer to the next. It’s a brilliant marketing tool (because he makes great flutes and you have to actually play them to believe how good they are) but beyond that, it shows remarkable trust in both the goodwill of complete strangers and the power of self-organization. Is this a small peek into the merged worlds of commodity and gift?