The delightful chaord of freedom
A couple of men with megaphones tilt at artificial order to reveal the beauty of free humans. Sometimes free speech can be annoying or not what you expect. It can seem a little uncomfortable or a little strange. When I watched this for the first time I have to admit that I felt a little stressed, but I realized that in simply talking through a megaphone, peacefully and standing in the chaos they were creating, these two guys are revealing an edge inside me, a limiting belief that, when I let it go, makes it possible for me to experience delight.
Enjoy it.
via Mark Groen.
20 years ago, i *totally* would’ve joined them in this. Now that’s *fun*! Megaphones the next de rigeur item for facilitators and spaceholders???
I *have* seen you do this!
hey chris, i have changed my tune, haven’t i????
I imagine you as a cranky, lively and wise old man, wielding a megaphone in all the capitals of the world when you are in your 80s. We always return to who we once were!
how do you say, “You make me blush,” in Bowenese???