The aesthetics of a real bulletin board
Community noticeboards still perform a function in many places, providing just the right channel for some kinds of information for certain kinds of people. Here’s a nice example I picked up recently – plenty of variety with announcements of events, things to be sold, and services to offer.Yes I know, neighbourhood online systems provide this and more, but there’s still something enchanting about the scruffy visible publicness of this as a role for a local venue like a post office or newsagent. I think I’ve seen similar in launderettes and chemists, but not in pubs, which is curious; and only ‘official’ (not personal) items in libraries
Why I vastly prefer the aesthetics of a real bulletin board in Open Space versus a computer assisted model with projection screens and an automatic scheduling routine.
[tags]bulletin board, openspacetech[/tags]
scruffy visible publicness – a fantastic phrase.