Tenneson Woolf: How Are You Navigating in the Time of Dramatic Change?
Tenneson Woolf from a harvest poem called How Are You Navigating in the Time of Dramatic Change?:
I sound like I don’t know what I am doing, but I do know.
I find my way in the immediately infront, the next simple elegant step.
The next simple elegant step describes my approach to action. Recently, in our little consulting firm we have adopted a project status process that involves writing down only the next step for each of our projects. When you take the to do list and write it as one thing to do only, one elegant next step, it invites consciousness and beauty and elegance and simplicity to the work. So I am becoming more conscious about filling in the little box that says “Next step” and taking a moment each time to find the clarity that is needed for that next step to invite more.
Navigating this drama with intention, consciousnes and invitation. Creating more of all three.