Results of an Open Space, 8 months later
Back in June of last year I facilitated a one day Open Space event for a group in Vancouver called the United Community Services Coop. The event was called “Leading Change” and was itself an outcome from a 2005 Open Space event with the same group. Both these events were loking at issues of emerging leadership in the not-for-profit sector (or the “for-benefit” sector, as I am starting to call it). One of the strong desired outcomes was a strong network of practitioners in the field.
The other day, Justin Ho, one of the sponsors, emailed participants to report on and invite people to some further follow up events:
We did a lot of work post-event and put a lot of thought together on how an Emerging Leaders Network could work. I am personally still very excited and committed to this idea and have had some really good conversations with a number of you already about it. Some good strides have been made, but as with many things being done off the side of one’s desk, it’s been a bit hard to spend some focused time on it lately!
But with all that in mind, a few of us have been talking and have decided to do an impromptu coffee on Tuesday, March 11th in Downtown Vancouver. Well, given that it’s a bit far away in the calendar, maybe it’s more ad hoc than impromptu. Either way, a few of us will be meeting at the Co-op office at 3:30pm (250-1166 Alberni Street, Vancouver) and then just find a coffee shop nearby to connect, share ideas, and talk a bit about the Emerging Leaders Network.
If you are in Downtown or will be on the 11th and would like to join us, let me know.
Oh and in case you haven’t seen it in your email inbox lately, the Co-op launched an eCampaign that came out of the Leading Change initiative called Passion For Work Week. It was last week and we have a few campaign posters online at Hopefully some of you had your organization take part.
I’m sure Justin wouldn’t mind hearing from you if you are an emerging leader in this field either in British Columbia or elsewhere.