links for 2007-03-18
We’ve all had the experience where we’ve become so completely absorbed in our work that time flies by, the outside world is a million miles away, and our talents flow freely. These episodes can be deeply gratifying, and some of our best work comes out
Peggy’s first column on process as an evolutionary nexus.
Thanks for the flow article, here’s a time quote I like that connects in with flow:
by A.H. Almaas
“Time does not seem to pass, it has come to a stop. When the psychic constellation that has given me the familiar sense of identifying myself ceases, the sense of the passage of time is gone. In the simplicity of presence, time does not pass, for the sense of the passage of time is simply the continuity of the feeling of the familiar identity.
Simplicity of presence, when it is complete, is timelessness. Timelessness is completely being the simplicity of presence. Timelessness is not an idea, a thought in the mind. It is the fullness of the experience of presence of Being, pure and prior to through or self-reflection.”