From my recent collection of linkage:
- Just one story of what happens when Wal-Mart comes to town.
- Ireland’s History in Maps
- Joe Frank’s website and audio archive courtesy of the soon-to-be-blogging Raffi Aftandelian
- Ten Laws for the 21st century from Forbes, including Gilder’s Law:
“The best business models, he said, waste the era’s cheapest resources in order to conserve the era’s most expensive resources.”
In other words, use bandwidth to conserve people.
- Thanks to Rob (and others) the best article on change and fear I’ve read in years.
- Gallery of magnetism
- Sonny Rollins talks about his three year sabbatical in 1961:
“When life becomes nothing but a bowl of clich�s, how many young and successful people of non-independent means have the resilience and backbone to withdraw completely from the world and reorganize, refuel, retool, and refurbish themselves? Well, we know of one such heroic monk � Sonny Rollins, a thirty-one-year-old tenor saxophonist.”
- The Spiked science survey: “If you could teach the world just one thing…”
- How did I miss the fact that last week, the date was 05/05/05?
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