Jack Ricchiuto’s DreamSpace process
Just off of an amazing Skype conversation with Jack Ricchiuto who is the second person I’ve talked to about my suicide prevention project. We spoke about what an appreciative perspective might look like and what kinds of design questions might help to shape a community forum. Jack pointed me to his work on a process called DreamSpace whic is in his book on appreciative leadership. DreamSpace focusses on seven questions:
- What kind of pictures of our community 20 years from now would be attractive to us?
- Where are there alignments among our collective versions of the future?
- Where are there alignments between our shared vision and current positive trends inside & outside our community?
- What would it mean to act congruently today with our shared vision?
- What strengths do we have today that could support these congruent actions?
- What new strengths would help us support these actions?
- What new projects, experiments, and collaborations could support our shared vision? “
These are great questions for structuring a conversation in a group of any size. The twenty year time frame is especially appealing, as it asks us to look beyond one generation and it places our work in a much broader context.
Technorati Tags: skype, appreciativeinquiry, facilitation
Interactions between proscar and hytrin.
Hytrin – drug alcohol reaction. Hytrin.