Help create the impossible sky
I received an email from Galen Scorer today through his sister Tiffany, a friend of mine. Galen is putting together a project in Toronto that the blogosphere should know about:
Hello my name is Galen Scorer and starting in October I will be launching a work in the DeLeon White Gallery in Toronto Canada as a part of the McLuhan Festival. I am looking for people from around the world to participate in this work. What I am requiring are people who have access to a web cam to donate some camera/network time for the first three weeks of October. The project description is as follows:
An indeterminate number of cameras point towards the sky. The collective presence of all these images are joined together into an additive composite. While it isn’t possible to distinguish individual characteristics from each location the composite becomes a hybrid of all sky� the impossible sky.
If you want to help him build the impossible sky – what an invitation! – learn more at
the project website. Or email him at