Harvesting and co-ownership
I’m reading through Otto Schamer‘s Theory U again, this time with an eye to noting how his model and stories can inspire designs in my own work. I came across a story in the book (can’t remember where) in which Otto is working with a group to make some meaning and see patterns, as a way of sensing the bigger field of work. The group was given a transcript of a lot of information – interviews mostly and invited to circle or highlight those quotes that seemed to talk to the bigger patterns out there. then, as an exercise, each person read one out in turn and after a while the group reflected on what they were hearing.
This is an excellent excerise to create co-ownership over the harvest of the reams of material that come from large group processes. It is a great way to collaboratively sift through the material and make sense rather than having one person do all the reading and distill it for everyone else. Co-ownership over meaning, ensures accuracy and sustainability of results..
I like this idea for the project I told you about. I’m in the process of picking up this book right now too, although, my reading list is getting more and expansive, and they are a “must read”.
Thanks for the idea.