Evolving consciousness in practice
Back home now. I’ll blog a little more on my learning from the Evolutionary Salon, especially with respect to the notions of the bodhisangha that was raised.
For now here is a bit from an email sent by a friend who is a medical doctor, and who has been following along with the ideas raised in the Salon:
As far as my comments on the subject of evolution of consciousness goes, I have to admit that my thoughts are not yet formed enough for me to make a coherent statement about them. The whole idea of raising humanity as a whole to a different level of consciousness is fascinating to me. I have been starting to “plant seeds” about it in my daily dealings with patients, albeit in very minor ways. Sometimes the results are quite surprising. It makes me aware of how little our culture supports nurturing of each other, opting either for selfishness or guarded suspicion.
I think that’s very cool. My question to all and especially for my colleagues with whom I have been in dialogue, is how can we support that action in a way that amplifies?