Tod Maffin, a staffer at CBC in Vancouver has been on the leading edge of the future for a long time. During the lockout of CBC staff, he has been one of the movers and shakers behind delivering podcasting to a nation hungry for decent national public radio. Today he put up a podcast on future of Canadian public radio which is a brilliant elegy to a future that seems to have been lost (only Maffin can create elegies to lost futures!). What I love about the podcast is the way Maffin contextualizes his love for radio in the story …
Linkage for your edification: Fred First’s spider web collection grows and he points to a movie of tornados on Mars . Thoreau on preparing for the politicians Nipun’sthought of week Interconnected muses on emergence Everything I know I Learned from English Folk Songs Heartbreaking story of love and courage and 6 year-old leadership A Proposal for Mediators without borders Announcement for New International Listserv for Participatory Budget Making Costs and benefits of community involvement What IS Innovation? a graphic compendium David Wilcox says Participation often isn’t working and Participation language doesn’t work either
Jack Ricchiuto: “In a meeting the other day, someone made an often heard comment about the unrealistic expectation that we could or should be ‘appreciative all the time.’ The focus on what we want and what’s working and why is a challenge to culturally normative beliefs that ‘the only way to make things better is to focus on what we don’t want and what’s not working and why.’ For people who don’t have experience otherwise, the appreciative model is totally not realistic. The good news is that the transition to an appreciative approach isn’t about trying to believe something different. …
Can I just say that the podcasts produced by the locked out employees of CBC are far, far better than the crap produced by the locked in managers. You would have thought that people would have learned from the NHL. There is nothing senior management can do to produce a better radio experience than what the employees can produce. The fact that the better product is now being podcast rather than broadcast throws into question the judgement of the CBC brass who had the bright idea of locking their staff out in the first place. Good luck to the employees. …
Among the litany of examples on Being Poor: “Being poor is hoping the register lady will spot you the dime.” What if those penny trays and tip jars at cash registers were for exactly this purpose? What if we just dumped all of our coin change there and people could feel free to use any of the coins in there for this purpose, and that instead of pennies, they would be loonies and toonies and quarters? Small change. (link via Jordon)