The other day, courtesy of things magazine, I stumbled across an amazing site full of old Cajun music for the 1920s oward. I made a playlist at Webjay for your streaming pleasure, and have added the track below to the Parking Lot playlist. mp3: Roy Fusilier – Valse des Grand Chemins
“Nature has no responsibility to be economic, this is a flawed ideology. A food producing farm is still a farm whether or not it is ‘economically’ viable, in that the food still provides a ‘living’ for people. Somehow we must allow farms to ‘be’ irrespective of whether or not they are economically viable, -after all society seems to be able to accept that parks don’t need to be profitable.” — from the comments on the 100 Mile Thanksgiving It was Thanksgiving here in Canada last weekend. Being a huge fan of local food, our family contributed a roasted squash soup …
Caitlin had another zinger last night while watching The Return of the King: Orc leader: The time of man is over! The time of the orcs has begun! Caitlin: What are they going to do with all that time? Open cafes? And the plot came crumbling down…!
Is this not the coolest thing? The Open Space Sangha has come alive. A little less than four years ago I started what I think was the first Open Space weblog which folded into this one. Since then a fair dozen or so have cropped up and now our little community has gathered in the Sangha to reflect deeply on the practices of Open Space. Props to Wendy for getting the ball rolling. She’s a great person to work with!
Fitfully tracing portals for five years, wood s lot celebrates a birthday. I love Mark Wood’s weblog. It was one of my first bloggy reads and I continue to read it several times a week, finding myself taken far away by his amazing collection of links and findings. Unfortunately, he hand rolls the blog and has never produced an RSS feed of any quality, so he doesn’t show up in my links roll, which is powered by Bloglines. But he’s always been generous with sending traffic my way, and I’ve appreciated that and the occasional email exchange we have had …