I’ve been losing posts somehow. My post on waiting and emergence shows up in my archives, but not on the front page here or in my dashboard. Anyone know what’s up? Time for a move to WordPress? Tags: blogger, wordpress
I piece I wrote here after the BALLE conference in June was republished on the Sustainable Review website. Nice of them to re-publish my work. Would have been nicer if they had contacted me and asked me to fix the typos. Ah well…the price of glory! Categories: firstnations, sustainability, local, economy, BALLE
From the logs of The Whalesong Project, located in Kihei on Maui: We witnessed a beautiful and unusual, from a modern western perspective, event this week. Raina Ferris visited us from Aotearoa, New Zealand, and we took her out on the ocean to support her cultural interest and connection to the whales. Raina is a Maori kai-karanga tahuna (spiritual chanter) and professor of Maori studies at Te Wanganga O Raukawa in Otaki. She came to Maui to share Maori tradition, and to further research on ancient ties between Maui and Aotearoa – alluded to in the ancestral chants of her …
That sounds like a dry title…but let me explain. I am doing some work at the moment with an organization called the Centre for Sustainability, a group out of the Vancouver Foundation that administers some grants programs to support organizational development for non-profits. We are designing a program, called the Technical Assistance Program for Aboriginal Non-Profits (TAP) specifically for Aboriginal non-profits and as part of that work we are travelling around BC hosting conversations with the folks out there who might end up being recipients of the program’s funding. Yesterday in Terrace we heard some things that made us rethink …
I’m not a good conference blogger, preferring to show up at conferences and be as present as I can in conversation with the people who are in the room. But in this case I might get some time to use the blog to capture some learnings from the conference ‘m at this week. I’m on Whidbey Island, near Seattle at the Evolutionary Salon. The theme of our gathering here is “Catalyzing Collective Intelligence and Social Creativity” and the conveners are inviting us to engage in this inquiry: “How do we understand, interpret, apply, and communicate the evolutionary worldview offered by …