At the Public Resources page of the Center for Contemplative Dialogue you will find an interesting little publication called The Path of Contemplative Dialogue: Engaging the Collective Spirit (.pdf), by Stephen Wirth. In the book, contemplative dialogue is seen as radiating from some core principles: Trust in the basic unity of human people and all life. Nonviolence in spirit, word, and action. Commitment to seeking truth with compassion and humility. Commitment to speaking truth with compassion and humility. Willingness to risk suspending the rush to action. These principles are close to my core principles of facilitation but with some emphasis …
Ottawa, Ont. A spring day in the nation’s capital, sunny and warm, everyone in short sleeves and the latest sunglasses, drinking beer on patios in the Byward Market and just showing off. I’m sitting in an old haunt called “Memories” on Clarence Street, in the shadow of the American Embassy that wasn’t here 12 years ago when I last lived in Ottawa. Beside me on the floor is a bag of Quebec cheese, some of which I am going to eat with my mother and father and sister on my mum’s birthday tomorrow. Like every place I’ve lived in in …
Ali Farka Toure has died. I missed seeing him play, but have loved his music since first hearing it. He was a blues player and a griot and a link to a deep source. mp3: Ali Farka Toure – Allah Uya
If you have been visting here in the last week live, as opposed to through a newsreader, you will have noticed a major change in the look of this weblog. I’ve also been rocking and rolling behind the scenes. The rest of my website has been redesigned and is now live. I built it using pmwiki and some of the open source skins that are out there. Feel free to have a look around. I have added several new bits and pieces, including a more substantial list of facilitation resources, additions of stories, resources and notes to …
I’m switching over to WordPress, and so blogging might be light until I can get everything tweaked just right. I want to take this opportunity to thank Blogger for five years of great free services. I have had very few problems with Blogger over the years, and I’ll still be using it for several blogs and bits and pieces I’m working on. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to using WordPress and I ask your indulgence to bear with me through this change. Tags: wordpress, blogger