I’m no expert but I spent much of yesterday trying to fix my new Dell laptop’s connection to the web. I was getting a wireless connection but was totally unable to view web pages. With linksys support on the router I deleved around in the guts of the machine but we couldn’t fix it. They did help me get a gateway IP again, which seemed to be one problem. Searching the Dell forums for help I discovered WinSock XP Fix and ran it. The problem was immediately resolved. Dells aside (I have never set up a …
Parking Lot…ranked above the fold on Google for: beatitudes and commandments starbucks customer relations Examples of Great Websites appreciative inquiry experiences fido fido prepaid phone cards …and that’s just from today. Interesting thing is that the posts on fido and Starbucks were both highly critical of their customer service. In the case of the last link, I actually rank number one, obviously higher that fido’s own website. This blogging thing…it works? [tags]blogging, google, fido, starbucks[/tags]
Rainbow that set the sky on fire: In a breathtaking blaze of glory, Nature puts on one of its most spectacular sky shows. Reds, oranges, blues and greens create a flaming rainbow that stretches above the clouds. But this circumhorizon arc, as it is known, owes more to ice than fire. It occurs when sunlight passes through ice crystals in high cirrus clouds. It is one of 15 types of ice halos formed only when the most specific of factors dovetail precisely together. This blanket of fire, covering hundreds of square miles, is the rarest phenomenon of them all. It …
I’m fond of saying that I’m the last consultant in the world without a cell phone. While that is true for business, my partner and I have one that we use for personal purposes. And because we use it so infrequently (mostly for emergencies or urban logistics when we’re in the big city) we have it hooked on to a prepaid plan from fido. Now fido offers you a couple of ways to handle prepayment. You can either buy vouchers or use a credit card. A credit card is preferable for us. So because we …
Here are a number of bits and pieces that have been waiting around for ages to get posted: Donella Meadows on being a global citizen and dancing with systems. From Bill Harris at Making Sense with Facilitated Systems. Getting Started with Action Learning, also from Bill. Dave Pollard on indigenous capacities for learning and discovery: The word indigenous* means ‘born into and part of’, and by inference ‘inseparably connected to’. We are all, I think, indigenous at birth, born into the Earth-organism and connected in a profound and primal way to all life on the planet, even if we are …