We have come to the end of a very busy year, and one which has been incredibly rich in terms of experiences, partners and projects. And so, as I do at every year end, I’d like to acknowledge the my clients and partners for 2006: Clients Association for Community Education of BC British Columbia Academic Health Council Beloit College Leadership Institute Berkana Institute Boeing Greater Vancouver Centre for Aboriginal Business Centre for Sustainability at the Vancouver Foundation First Nations Summit Chiefs Health Committee Child and Youth Officer for British Columbia The Dalai Lama Centre Department of Fisheries and Oceans – …
Okay, so for more than 50 years we’ve known that Santa has been tracked by NORAD on Christmas Eve, but this year it seems like he might be having a bit of trouble getting off what’s left of the polar ice cap. But seriously… the news from the north is not good. [tags]arctic, global warmng, climate change, santa[/tags]
Eighteen years after the event, I still choose to remember the women killed at the Ecole Polytechnic in Montreal. Many of these women were my age, they were my contemporaries, they were students when I was a student and their murders touched many of us very deeply. So, as I have done every year, i invite you to join me in remembering these fourteen women and all women who have been murdered by men. Geneviève Bergeron (b. 1968), civil engineering student. Hélène Colgan (b. 1966), mechanical engineering student. Nathalie Croteau (b. 1966), mechanical engineering student. Barbara Daigneault (b. 1967) mechanical …
Doug has a nice post today: Micro conversations can be a counterpart to micro credit: what if we could encourage people to converse in little groups, to take charge of their lives, jointly, in little snatches, and spread these micro conversations to thousands and thousands? Here is where the pyramids and circles work, because there is an infinite set of permutations and each one is creative (not additive, not multiplicative, not geometric). It is not zero sum, where one gathers at the expense of another: all benefit. Not just individually but in our interwoven whole. Just host a little conversation, …
More on action systems, but this time from a poet, Anais Nin: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. That describes shift perfectly…when the status quo becomes more painful than the move. [tags]anais nin, transformation[/tags] Photo by Ernie*