Don’t ask how I found this, just set aside 22 minutes and spend it with Lookwell, the retired TV detective whose mind can’t stop deducing. This early nineties pilot was a creation of Conan O’Brien before he landed his gig replacing Letterman. It stars Adam West as a retired 1970s TV detective who just has to keep solving crimes. There isn’t a bad line in the whole thing.
That Voodoo You Do · Flow: Get into the Zone at Work We’ve all had the experience where we’ve become so completely absorbed in our work that time flies by, the outside world is a million miles away, and our talents flow freely. These episodes can be deeply gratifying, and some of our best work comes out (tags: flow) Freedom of Voice (tags: conversation) Conscious Conversation – by Peggy Holman Peggy’s first column on process as an evolutionary nexus. (tags: facilitation evolution consciousness) — From Weblog to CMS with WordPress (tags: wordpress design hacks)