YouTube – Morihei Ueshiba – The Founder of Aikido (complete) 1 of 5 A full half hour documentary on the founder of aikido. (tags: aikido) YouTube – Morihei Ueshiba – The Founder of Aikido (complete) 2 of 5 (tags: aikido) YouTube – Morihei Ueshiba – The Founder of Aikido (complete) 3 of 5 YouTube – Morihei Ueshiba – The Founder of Aikido (complete) 4 of 5 YouTube – Morihei Ueshiba – The Founder of Aikido (complete) 5 of 5 (tags: aikido)
How to do only that which you can do < sift everything Jeremy asks how to tell the story of his work (tags: being reflection) ‘We Weren’t Supposed to Survive’ :: News :: Part on of a series on neighbour to neighbour reconciliation (tags: firstnations) How to Disappear A lovely little book on how to live in community (tags: book community) Essays: ‘The mystery of consciousness’ by Paul Broks | Prospect Magazine April 2007 issue 133 Nicholas Humphrey’s latest book on the mystery of consciousness travelled with me to Crete, Latvia and America. And the intellectual journey it took ...
The Handbook on Democratic Dialogue This handbook is the result of a joint initiative to provide decision-makers and practitioners with a practical guide on how to design, facilitate and implement dialogue processes. It combines conceptual and practical knowledge, while providing an overvie (tags: dialogue) Why I Left the Classroom :: Views :: The toll on a BC teacher (tags: learning schooling teaching) Organic Learning dot org Site with life learning and unschooling resources and links (tags: learning unschooling)
Haruki Murakami and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Review from the persepctive of how this book is also about change management (tags: leadership) Arundhati Roy on self-colonization in India (tags: toread) Cognitive Edge: The serpent and the blog: ring composition Ring cylces as structure and what they mean (tags: writing)