Blog of Collective Intelligence: What Is My Collective IQ? – Boosting CI from Within George Por’s brilliant visulization of how harvesting boosts collective intelligence. (tags: collaboration artofharvesting design) Keeping your GMail Inbox size under control at Digital Inspiration Excellent hacks using search terms to take care of Gmail size (tags: hacks gmail tips)
The Cosmic Blueprint Anyone who has stood by a fast flowing stream cannot fail to have been struck by the endlessly shifting pattern of eddies and swirls. The turmoil of the torrent is revealed, on closer inspection, to be a maelstrom of organized activity as new fluid struct (tags: self-organization organization) Edge 206 The Art of Powerful Questions
Wise Democracy Victoria Wisdom Councils in Victoria, BC (tags: democracy dialogue) Servant of Chaos: Welcome to the Conversation Age An e-book in the making (tags: conversation) Mapping the Field: Arts-Based Community Development A fantastic article by Bill Cleveland (tags: arts community+development) Creekside: All in the family How BC’s public assets are being privatized by Enron (tags: business britishcolumbia enron privatisation) Links for Social entrepreneurs An extensive set of resources for the field (tags: social entrepreneur) The First Nations of the North West Coast- Coast Salish Connections to the environment, involvement in conservation The Northwest Coast is recognized as a land …
IEEE Spectrum: Apollo 13, We Have a Solution A fantastic article detailing what went in to the process to save the crew of Apollo 13. (tags: history science collaboration apollo13) YouTube – 我虽æ»åŽ»Though I am Gone1/10 This is a documentary about the first female principal beaten to death by the Red Guards in the beginning of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. (tags: video china documentary) Che Guevara Archive A library, speeches, images and more (tags: decolonization) Incoming! KaosPilots! :: News :: An article about some friends that are working their butts off in Vancouver. Bill McKibben says …