A couple of mates of mine, Brenda Chaddock and Myriam LaBerge are hosting a practice retreat July 9-11, 2007 at Rivendell, here on Bowen Island called “Wise Action That Lasts: How to host, convene, design and facilitate meaningful conversations around complex issues.” If you have been looking for great facilitation training, or an Art of Hosting type course around the west coast of North America, this one is for you. Both Brenda and Myriam are smart and experienced women, great facilitators and fun teachers. And Bowen in July is just pure heaven.
Barry Lopez – “Eden Is a Conversation” Eden, we should be at pains to point out, is not a place. Eden is a conversation. It is the conversation of the human with the Divine. And it is the reverberations of that conversation that create a sense of place. It is not a thing, Eden, but a pattern o (tags: conversation dialogue) Toronto Arts Council – THe Creative City Every person in Toronto has the right to enjoy the rich cultural life that is the hallmark and pride of Toronto. Through partnerships and initiatives, TACF’s Block by Block program seeks to …
Northern Soul – This England Granada TV documentary about Wigan Casino, a famous Northern Soul club in Wigan. The doc combines footage of historical industry in Wigan with footage shot for the 1977 show. It’s a strange but oddly engaging trip. (tags: music) Stellarium A free open source plaetarium program. Now that the nights are warmer, and clearer around my place, this ought to come in handy. (tags: astronomy learning kids space)
MindMeister – think together (tags: mindmaps organization collaboration mindmapping tools) Great selection of fake sheets for many pop songs (tags: music) PENNsound- Poetry mp3 archive A great archive of poets reading their work. (tags: poetry mp3) Lorenz Butterfly A beautiful engine to create a Lorenz Butterfly (tags: chaos complexity) Paul Hawken: the Movement is bigger that you think This is the first time in history that a large social movement is not bound together by an “ism.” What binds it together is ideas, not ideologies. This unnamed movement’s big contribution is the absence of one big idea; in its stead …
Blog of Collective Intelligence: What Is My Collective IQ? – Boosting CI from Within George Por’s brilliant visulization of how harvesting boosts collective intelligence. (tags: collaboration artofharvesting design) Keeping your GMail Inbox size under control at Digital Inspiration Excellent hacks using search terms to take care of Gmail size (tags: hacks gmail tips)