Yay. It is the world day of bread. What a great idea to celebrate the human ingenuity behind combining flour, salt, yeast and water. These four basic ingredients are responsible for more comfort in the world that almost anything else. When I return home from a day of working in Vancouver, I will post a recipe for my standbay easy bread: fougasse. In the meantime, enjoy the offerings at my favourite bread site The Fresh Loaf (including this excellent Daily Bread recipe, and perhaps even try a batch of no knead bread. If you start it tonight, you …
Overheard… FLIGHT ATTENDANT Something to drink? PASSENGER Tea please. FLIGHT ATTENDANT Sorry, we’re out of tea. PASSENGER Damn these hard economic times. ——- PASSENGER ONE Hi there! Where have you been? PASSENGER TWO Travelling around the United States by train. I made it as far as Arkansas! PASSENGER ONE Really? PASSENGER TWO Yeah…I did the Arkansas trifecta: the Bill Clinton library, Wal-Mart headquarters and…and…what was the other one…? (scratching head) PASSENGER ONE Texas? —– CHECK IN CLERK Are you staying for two nights with us? GUEST No just one. CHECK IN CLERK Would you like a casino pass? GUEST …
If this past week’s events in the financial world took you by surprise, consider yourself very ill informed indeed. Everyone knew this was going to happen, even comedians. Back in January, this video was posted on YouTube: Crazy.
Great…so I’m just about to host a three day Art of Hosting workshop in which we will be talking about several methodologies, mental models and design tools, including Open Space. And today, right out of the blue come three incredibly amazing posts from Dave Pollard (who is joining us), Johnnie Moore (who almost joined us) and Jack Martin Leith about the process. I’m up to my eyeballs in stuff and don’t have that much time to respond, but I can’t resist, so here are some thoughts, kind of randomly blurted out. First I should say that I’ve never used Open …
Building on a note I sent to the Art of Hosting list this morning, and thinking about some of the calls to work across generations this coming year… Otto Scharmer sent along an email this week: I just returned from some coaching and consulting work. i am struck by the similarity of experience that todays leaders face across companies, industries and even across sectors. as a leader today, you find yourself in NO-WHERE-LAND. on the one side you have all the tools that you learned from consultants, business schools and other sources of conventional management wisdom. on the other …