On on the road again and posting will probably be light for the next little while, but here are the links that have caught my eye and fed my curiosity this week: Ton Zylstra on closed systems and the financial collapse
Morsels that are left on my plate: Mary Statcy on solving complex problems Omegle. Hmm. Steph Larsen on the systemic solutions to food reform. A collection of traditional teachings from five First Nations, including audio Johnnie Moore on a great workshop on noticing Tom Atlee and Peggy Holman start a list of videos about Open Space
Hungry? Eat… Niels Teunis invites us to kill the mission statement and find three words instead. Dervala Hanley tweets the death of the MBA. Ria Baeck republishes Fancis Moore Lappe on wyas systems can redesign food systems Johnnie Moore blogging Dave Snowden blogging some interesting peer learning in the hotel industry. Aftab Erfan blogs about a Deep Democracy event in South Africa. Peggy Holman is blogging her new book on Patterns of Change and looking for comments Henry Mintzberg on the failure of management training
A light week of blogging as I have been in a deep Art of Hosting, but here are some things that grabbed my eye this week from the newsfeeds in my life: Nancy White on why Sharepoint is NOT the solution you’ve been looking for (and I agree). Ria Baeck on Collective sourcing for living wholeness.
Juicy: Jack Martin Leith on the generations of innovation Dan Oestrich on reflective leadership in lean times Dave Pollard on Christopher Allen’s musings on group size Geoff Brown works through Everything’s an Offer Crooked Timber on power and deliberation Common Ground explains why some contracts honoured and others are not.