Or so says the police officer about 3:50 minutes into this video. Wow. If that is true, then York Regional Police officer 815 was acting out of his jurisdiction and was therefore simply a bully. With a sidearm. Think about that. There are dozens and dozens of stories like this coming out of the G20. Only a public inquiry will get to the bottom of that, and it needs to result in some clear guidelines for how police enforce laws within the context of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, even when there are special circumstances. Since 9/11 politicians …
Dave Pollard has posted an item on his blog entitled G20: A Corporatist Show of Force and Power in Toronto. It is a compendium of a number of videos showing what happened in Toronto last week. I have spent the last two hours watching these videos, and many more. I challenge you to do the same. Because frankly what I am seeing is terrifying and shocking, and I don’t mean the vandals. I mean the actions of the police. None of these videos are the whole story, but they leave me futilely hoping for an explanation from the powers that …
You’ll forgive my lack of posting from Kiluea this past week. I certainly had intended a detailed account of our gathering, but things went to such a deep level that words and time kept failing me. THis was one of the most tranformational experiences of my life, and one of the most difficult, challenging and exuberant facilitation experiences I have ever had. It will take me a while to get the story straight, so forgive me if it trickles out. I met fear in a new place, above my heart. A fearless heart was born, but it was birthed in …
Last night we arrived in Kona, on the dry side of the big island of Hawai’i. We overnighted there and woke early in the morning for a swim in crystal clear waters at Hapuna Beach. About 9am we hit the road, taking the Saddle Road over the island between Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, the twin 13,000+ volcanoes on this island. As you crest the top of the pass between them, the clouds coming up from Hilo-side start flying overhead, and rain showers start. We drove down to Hilo and then back up the south flank of Mauna Loa to …
I’ve been trolling through Geoff’s harvest of our Open Space conference last month in Melbourne and just enjoying the memory of working with friends. Our friend and conference cartoonist Simon Kneebone drew our hosting team. We call ourselves The Slips. The term is from the cricket world and has two purposes. First it signals that this is an all-Commonwealth team, which is lovely, and second, it’s a large cordon and nothing gets past us. From right to left, our members are Anne Pattillo from New Zealand who is our wicket keeper, Aussie Viv McWaters at first slip, Johnnie Moore from …