Please consider joining us on Bowen Island, BC, Canada for an Art of Hosting learning retreat, October 3-6, 2010. On the hosting team will be Teresa Posakony, Caitlin Frost and Tenneson Woolf, me. Pass along to your networks or to anyone you know interested in this opportunity. As well as working with and learning about participatory process, living systems, and chaordic design, in this Art of Hosting retreat we will be working extensively with harvesting, with change models currently being developed by the Berkana Institute, with Byron Katie’s inquiry work, with improv theatre exercises and probably some Warrior of the …
And he’s right. If you’re in London UK, you might want to think about this free evening offering on September 6 with Johnnie and friends: We can’t go on meeting like this. This emerges from my experience of all sorts of events of late. I think there may be a gap in the market for something that allows us to meet in ways that are more satisfying. The focus is on connecting with others in engaging ways – without resorting to formats of expert speakers or simply pouring drinks, putting on music and hoping for the best. I’d go. Heck, …
Slow week here with summer arrived and work at a standstill. Found some time to scrape the feedreader though: Peter Rukavina exposes the vapidity of TV Peter also tackles the problem of creating a cafe that plays your music to you. Johnnie Moore posts on the philosophical underpinnings of conversation. Viv McWaters playing at graphical representation of facilitation tips. The Tyee has brought on Andrew Nikiforuk to write about the tar sands.
I was at the Vancouver Whitecaps game the other night and witnessed this pitch invasion at the ‘Caps end. This is some good footage of Vancouver keeper Jay Nolly taking on the invader and physically removing her from the pitch. Heart stopping stuff. 🙂
Back to some regular noticing: An Indian MP calls for a 21st century residential school policy. Appalling. Johnnie Moore finds research that vindicates my approach of having questions rather than goals. Metafilter post on desire lines.