gladwell dot com / The Tipping Point, and New Yorker articles by Malcolm Gladwell Author of The Tipping Point and several really cool articles about everyday life.
Peace by Taiaike Alfred. These words can be read on one level as a scholarly essay on some of the key political issues facing Indigenous peoples today. But on another level, they are part of a traditionally-rooted philosophical reflection intended to give voice to long-silenced wisdom. This conjunction of ancient and contemporary realities is deliberate. The answers developed long ago by our ancestors to the universal questions of peace, power and justice hold as much power now as they did fifty generations ago. Our task, intellectually and spiritually, is to grasp the deep meaning of their teachings — to understand …
The Case Against the Iraq War | Editor Matthew Rothschild | The Progressive magazine Reasons not to go to war against Iraq:. It would be against international law. It would violate the Christian doctrine of “just war.” It would further damage U.S. relations with its allies, relations that are already frayed by Bush’s mindless unilateralism. It would wreak havoc in the Muslim world, where there’s plenty of havoc already. It could shake the U.S. economy, which is trembling right now. And most importantly, it could result in the deaths of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of innocent people. Worst case: …
The Atlantic | September 1967 | The Flowering of The Hippies | Harris An account of the struggles and conflicts in the hippie culture of 1967 San Francisco.
Big Dog’s Bowl of Biscuits An nice collection of learning, leadership and online resources.