There are 159 articles in the fourth iteration of the Geneva Convention which was signed on 12 August 1949. It’s worth having a perusal through the Convention, to see what the powers of the world agreed to with respect to protecting civilians in times of war. At times the document reads very coldly such as in article: Art. 3. In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions: (1) Persons taking …
My little project of collecting meditation practices is now compiled on one page. You can access it here, or at the sidebar on the right where it will stay linked for a while. The project was to discover 10 different sources for meditation practices while sitting, standing, lying and walking. This was originally used to complement my practice working with the Four Fold Way, in which investigation of four basic archetypes are complimented by meditations using one of the four postures. Enjoy the collection.
More detail on the recent Hubble photo of the galaxies “Astronomers are already identifying some curious trends. For example, about 30 galaxies here seem to have redshifts greater than 5, meaning we see them as they were when the universe was less than 9 percent of its present age, or less than 1.1 billion years after the Big Bang. But only three are candidates for having a redshift around 6 (cosmic age 900 million years). “Why is there such a huge drop in galaxy numbers at z = 6?” asks Benitez. For now, the answer remains elusive. “
Lying meditation Buddhist lying meditation Lying meditation posture Lying meditation and prayer Sayadaw U. Jatila on the benefits of lying meditation Lying meditation andthe four fold way Yoga Savasana pose Lying meditation for teens More on Buddhist lying meditation Sri Chinmoy on lying meditation Kundalini Rainbow meditation
I am in Ottawa this weekend doing a little business. At the moment I am sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee and waiting for my friend to pick me up and take me to a place where we are going to play music. I lived here between 1991 and 1994, during three incredibly rich years of learning. At the time I was working for a national Aboriginal organization, the National Association of Friendship Centres, but I was also doing a lot of reading and writing, and was a little active in the Ottawa literary scene as an associate editor of …