t r u t h o u t – Robert Byrd | We Stand Passively Mute I truly must question the judgment of any President who can say that a massive unprovoked military attack on a nation which is over 50% children is “in the highest moral traditions of our country”. This whole speech by US Senator Robert Byrd is very powerful and charged, but this line really stood out for me. Over half the population of Iraq is under 15 years old. Nice to read and hear these voices of dissent.
The Hundredth Monkey, by Ken Keyes, Jr. Recently, this book has become popular again, but I’m not sure many people realize that it is not simply a powerful idea about how memes flow through communities, populations and species. It is a passionate cry out against the threat of nuclear war, and a call to action to begin the small things that can have tremendous influences towards peace. So, read away.
“‘Dark Matter’ — The Physical Basis for mysticism The subtle body doctrine of mysticism has passed the test of time, being a part of our most ancient to modern cultures, throughout the world. It provides an excellent foundation for the explanation of numerous phenomena (as included in this article) so that even without a physical basis it is a valuable system well worth exploring and utilizing. Its success in mystical traditions and the scientific verification of much of the phenomena mentioned here are sufficient to warrant subtle body theory as a valuable doctrine. Truly, it needs no further proof. However, …
Saddam Hussein has a blog. Okay, so it’s written by a fawning admirer in the State Company for Internet Services, but it’s not really any more or less informative than blogger George W. Bush’s site. Bush at least has video. Both invoke their gods to inspire their troops: “There’s no question in my mind that the challenges we face will be overcome, because our nation is full of decent and honorable and strong people — many of whom are in this room. Thank you for caring about your country. May God bless your work. And my [sic]God continue to bless …
The Official Coyle & Sharpe Website A treasury of some of the most interesting ambush pranksters in history.