Poetry by Derek Walcott The latest little project — a collection of poetry by Derek Walcott. Love After Love The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other’s welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, …
Guardian Unlimited Sport | Special reports | India v New Zealand Seems to be nothing out of the ordinary here. A typical world cup match blog report on the Guardian, except that it starts with this screed: It’s really simple: India are already through, New Zealand have to win. Meanwhile, have you ever thought WHAT SORT OF LIFE IS THIS AND WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING BOARDING A TRAIN FOR MOORGATE AT 6.30 IN THE MORNING AND THEN STANDING AROUND FOR AGES WAITING FOR A TUBE WHILE STARING AT A SIGN TELLING YOU THAT IF YOU WAIT FOR FOUR …
Present Attention After five years of blogging, alamut becomes an Ourobouros, and begins consuming itself again from the beginning: “Five years have now passed (and four anniversaries where I’ve reflected on what this project means) and at this point I think I’ve recorded enough of my attention and identified enough of the themes that interest me to support a second round of inquiry. So here is my new plan: I propose, for the next five years, in addition to recording my current attention, to read and elaborate upon the entries of the last five years on a day by day …
The Aurora Borealis on Jupiter Two descriptions of the relationship between Jupiter and the Aurora: From Science @ Nasa: “Jupiter has Northern Lights just as Earth does, although on Jupiter they are hundreds to thousands of times more powerful,” says West. Auroras happen when electrons and ions rain down on the polar atmosphere and cause the air to glow where they hit. Here on Earth, auroras are usually sparked by solar wind gusts. The solar wind can also trigger auroras on Jupiter, but it’s not necessary: On Jupiter, the planet itself energizes Northern Lights. “Jupiter’s magnetic field is a huge …
Carl Beam, Ojibway artist “Columbus Chronicles is one print from Carl Beam’s ongoing Columbus Project. This is an enormous undertaking, incorporating prints, paintings, sculptures, performances, installations, and even a scaled-down replica of Columbus’s sailing ship, the Santa Maria. Since 1989, much of Beam’s work has focussed on reassessing the implications of the meeting between the cultures of the First Nations and Europe. In mainstream society, the “discovery” and “conquest” of North America for Spain in 1492 is celebrated as a momentous occasion in world history. These sentiments are not shared by many people of Native ancestry. In the top left-hand …