Stephen Harper plays with despots In his haste to suck up to the United States government, Canadian Alliance leader Stephen Harper held a party at his official residence. This is how he described it in the National Post: Last night at Stornoway I hosted a reception for ambassadors and representatives of nearly 50 countries that have now joined the coalition. I did that on behalf of our caucus, and I believe on behalf of the silent majority of Canadians, to tell them — to tell these countries and to tell their people — that in this fight we Canadians are …
Six unique ways of presenting the periodic table of the elements: Periodic Table of Poetry Periodic Table of Comic Books Periodic Table of Haiku Wooden Periodic Table A Whizzy periodic table Periodic Table of Science Fiction
Self-Sufficiency in Style A Useful Compendium of Experience.
Mahatma Gandhi The Gandhian Institute An online archive of Gandhi’s writings and writings about him.
George Orwell Library Orwell’s fundamental works online.