The entire cosmos copulation. And each thing is word, word of love. Only love reveals but it veils what it reveals, alone it reveals, alone lover and beloved in the illuminated solitude, the nights of the lovers, word that never passes while the water flows beneath the bridge and the slow moon above the houses passes. — Ernesto Cardenal Cosmic Canticle, Cantiga 2: “The Word” “What’s you understanding, general, of that first force?” The journalist Belausteguigoitia asked. Sandino replied: “As a conscious force. Initially it was love. That love creates, evolves. But everything is eternal. And we are moving towards …
The Ecotone wiki, a collaborative project by bloggers who write about place, gets it’s official launch this week with a collection of essays about how we all came to write about place. My contribution, from my Bowen Island Journal, is about how I began to see the world through the eyes of an exile while I was living in England as a kid. Others at the Ecotone wiki seem to also be drawing on both their childhood experiences and experiences of moving, and being dislocated as some point in their lives. I think it is this dislocation that gives us …
The odds of any one person in the blogoshpere sharing your brithday is…well…pretty good. Happy birthday Jordan.
Happy Birthday to me! I was born 35 years ago today. This what else was happening that late spring day in 1968: Picasso paints the above picture Young soldier in Vietnam wrote home about losing his camera Nine people were killed by a tornado in Tracy, Minnesota A Day of Awareness, Day of Hope is held in Atlanta to combat poverty A helicopter crew dies in Vietnam when they collide with another plane Phelim O’Neil is expelled from the Orange Order in Belfast for attending a Catholic service The BeeGees record Indian Gin and Whiskey Dry The Shah of Iran …
Jack Ricchiuto posts some thoughts on happiness to which I responded with some of the following in his comments: The greatest gift I can give my children is being with them. Two days ago I spent two hours with my two year old son during which I said nothing. I simply sat on the grass with him, at his eye level and played whatever he wanted to play. I expressed no desires or needs of my own, I imposed no agenda on him. We laughed together and when our wrestling got out of hand and he got hurt I held …