Here is a list, with vivid descriptions, of 35 canoe strokes. All your favourites are here, including the J-stroke, C-stroke, draw, pry and sweep. But included are a whole bunch of specialized strokes like the slice, the thumb-up rudder, sculling draw, the high and low brace and the Cross Stationary Bow Draw (also known as a Duffek). Each stroke comes with what amounts to a little three part poem about its execution, such as this one for the cross stationary bow draw: Cross Stationary Bow Draw Catch Rotate to the offside Feather blade across the bow Power Plant blade, with …
I am really grooving on Dervala’s blog these days. And it is getting cooler by the day as she pokes around central Canada, bringing her sharp eye and lucid prose to our forested heartlands. Her notes on Canadian culture have been great, and they were topped recently by this brilliant take on the “I Am Canadian” rant, featuring a distinctly Irish theme: (lifts pint) Howya. I’m not a potato farmer or a hod carrier and I don’t live in a thatched cottage, or drink whiskey, or own a horse and cart I probably do know Jimmy, Mary or Sin�ad from …
Parking lot has gone to the beach. Back in a week
You need to go to this page and click on the first Real Media link in the second section. There you will find a video of Daler Mehndi’s hit “Tunak Tunak Tun.” Just go. Now. AKMA is to blame
Here is an update on the Starbucks – HaidaBucks dispute. The news is that Starbucks has actually lied. They said, in a letter that they invited me to post in my weblog (which I did), that the two parties “have recently resolved their trademark dispute.” In fact they haven’t resolved the dispute, and HaidaBucks has not made any changes to their name or logo to accomodate the ridiculous demands of Starbucks. HaidaBucks has just released a statement that says: HaidaBucks, in the village of Masset, is owned by three Haida men and one man married to a Haida woman. The …