Today I finally received my HaidaBucks T-shirt in smart black with the logo and name prominant. And on Friday I ran into Cliff Fregin at the Vancouver airport, a friend and one of the original owners of Haida Bucks. He tells me all’s well that ends well, that Starbucks backed down and Haida Bucks has withstood the legal onslaught. They issued a press release in August stating: Lately, the coffee in Masset, a small town on the remote island of Haida Gwaii, tastes especially sweet. That’s because HaidaBucks, a small indigenous-owned coffee house and restaurant located there, is savouring its …
Sidney, BC The Dymaxion Map of Buckminster Fuller From The Buckminster Fuller Institute John Cage interviewed many years ago on public television, about his friend Buckminster Fuller: I think the ideas of both Buckminster Fuller and of Marshall McLuhan about the world as a single place are essential to the possibility of our solving problems now. And will always be at the basis of a good life, if we have one, on this earth. In other words, seeing the earth not as a plurality of sovereignties, as Bucky said, but as a single place. For me, it became clear when …
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Here for the annual conference of the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO) where I am facilitating two Open Space sessions. Today’s is about new direction in economic development and tomorrow we will look at caring for our communities and the role of economic development in healing First Nations communities. The proceedings from both of these conversation will be online somewhere (probably mirrored at OpenSpaceWorld.Net where the conversation can continue. At any rate, it’s one of those conference where one runs into old friends and colleagues from around the country, including folks I was …
I am about to engage with DanceArts Vancouver on a three year global project called the Earth Project. It is an international collaboration that will bring together all kinds of people involved in the arts, sustainability, community development and activism and social justice to look at how the arts can facilitate conversations and dialogue on these issues, especially with youth. I’ll be attending an Open Space meeting on Monday with Bill Cleveland from the Center for the Study of Art and Community in Minneapolis who wrote a fantastic paper called Mapping the Field: Arts-Based Community Development. I will be learning …
Rock Balancing art from Oasis Design, Photo by Art Ludwig Robert Brady, writing in his blog Pure Land Mountain about the lessons learned from working with stones: If you want a wall that is a stone poem in stone syntax, you have to learn the bit-by-bit stones teach until at last you have a stone wall, not a book wall, not a you wall. The finest mortar for a stone wall, therefore, is patience in the builder, blended with integrity. No integrity in the builder, no integrity in the wall. But the bigger lesson comes later, when the wall is …