Moving up a nice set of thoughts from my comments. Dave said: Democratic growth may lie somewhere between the enlightened individual (ie “the truth if known is not the truth”) and the solid political framework, say the constitution. Some where in our ability to open our myths to their own energies, not to end the myth, but to accept it as myth…truth’s origin..turtles all the way down so to speak. The need for solid political systems, stability if you will, begs the pattern to transcend the solid/comprehensible vs. fluid/transformational. Dave…feel free to contribute observations like that anytime. I’ve been really …
My dear friend John Engle is an Open Space facilitator living and working in Haiti. I just found out that he has a blog (oh joy!) and he blogs from Haiti about the recent unrest there, and how nothing is ever as simple as it seems: Merline and I do live, witnessing the violence of grinding poverty: hungry people on one’s path so often, children living on the streets, people who are seriously ill but have no money for treatment or pain relievers. The violence that is making the news right now stems from the grinding violence of poverty, which …
Saskatchewan was fantastic, and I’ll write more about it soon. In addition to working with some amazing First Nations and Metis youth in Prince Albert and Saskatoon, I had a nice dinner with fellow blogger and Hockey Pundit Jordon Cooper, chatting over the NHL, Christianity and politics. The moment I got home though, and started catching up on my reading, I got gobsmacked by Michael Herman who has just posted something on markets that resonates: …since we know that profit, per se, is not essential to life, we can say this another way. we can say that if markets and …
Off to Saskatchewan for a week, where last week a spot near Prince Albert recorded a temperature of -53.2C and was noted as the coldest place on earth that day. Blogging may be light. In Meadow Lake it got down to -60 with the wind chill. Jesus. What the hell am I doing? Anyway, to keep up to date while my teeth are cracking, why not subscribe to my handy RSS feed? I think at -60 light freezes, so the fibre optics may not be working, but if something does make it down the pipe, you’ll be the first to …
Linkage: Large collection of books bay and about Gandhi online The Satir Change Model. Via ourhouse Ten traps for facilitators Math and physics visualizers. Via boing boing Joy Harjo blogs the passing of James Welch Explorations in Learning & Instruction: The Theory Into Practice Database The 1919 Molasses Disaster via Reinvented A collection of Balanced Scorecard Methodology links Digiquaria: a digital aquarium Lovely review of BBC Symphony Orchestra’s John Cage performance via Brian’s Culture Blog