Received my invitation today for the 23rd International Symposium on Organizational Transformation (OT23). This year, friends Susan Kerr and Sheila Isakson among other are hosting the gathering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. This year’s theme is “Welcoming Spirit”: We invite conversations at all levels of experience from persons who have heard about Open Space but not had an opportunity to participate to persons who have been practicing Open Space since Harrison Owen introduced it in the early 1980�s. These meetings are designed to be flexible and are intended for anyone who wishes to begin or continue learning about the practice of …
Ten items of linkage focusing on conversation, transformative leadership, presencing and creativity: Hugh McLeod’s beautiful treatise on how to be creative. The conversations guide from the Christian Science Monitor called Across the Red-Blue Divide. Contains a series of articles and a public conversations guide to help people listen to one another. A one page guide for facilitating conversations across the political divide, from the Public Conversations Project. Both of the above courtesy of Happenings Fieldnotes: the newsletter of the Shambhala Institute. If you can afford it, this year’s Shambhala Authentic Leadership Summer Program will be very worthwhile, featuring Harrison Owen, …
In Presence, one of the core pieces of clarifying purpose and moving to action is basing your work in deep seeing and sensing skills. I have been experimenting with various strategies to deepen seeing and find the core truths that form powerful purposes and visions. This is the first of a few posts on this topic. It recapitulates a story I posted last week to the OSLIST about working in Open Space with a client and friend of mine, and sometime commenter on this blog. Last week Dave facilitated his first open space (he did great) and this gave us …
I honour these women every year: Genevi�ve Bergeron H�l�ne Colgan Nathalie Croteau Barbara Daigneault Anne-Marie Edward Maud Haviernick Barbara Klucznik Widajewicz Maryse Lagani�re Maryse Leclair Anne-Marie Lemay Sonia Pelletier Mich�le Richard Annie St-Arneault Annie Turcotte I remember that night like it was yesterday. I was in Peterborough, Ontario. It was snowing and Loreena McKennit was playing a concert. The news trickled in all afternoon and evening, and what we were hearing was sickening. When Loreena McKennit took the stage, she played solo surrounded by candles, and we kept vigil with her for a while and then later at the war …
I ran into my old friend Simon Brascoupe today at a meeting I was facilitating here in Vancouver. Simon is a man of many hats: he has taught at Trent University, University of Manitoba and Carleton in contemporay Aboriginal economic development; he has worked in Chiapas and on international indigenous rights; he is a sometime federal government public servant, currently with the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada; and he is a well known artist in Canada, working with print and paint and anything else he can get his hands on. Over Thai food at lunch today …