Photo by Jeremy I was out surfing this week… Integral strategies – a site in evolution Why I Never Hire Brilliant Men: “Does he finish what he starts? Geniuses almost never do.” Ouch. The new basis of power suits? Shirts that generate electricity. Chaos and fractals – a collection of links Walkabout as pedagogy – Aboriginal unschooling Peer to peer governance RSS feeds explained (thanks Viv) Also from Viv…Pangea Day, a day for viewing the world through it’s own eyes. Richard Oliver on Kairos and Kronos pointe to this article on the same (and his lovely manifesto on Purposive Drift) …
My young friend Dustin Rivers nails the difference between the old system and the new system.
Back in March we ran an Art of Hosting for the Vancouver Island Aboriginal Transition Team and all of our comunity partners. At the conclusion of that Art of Hosting we held an Open Space. One of the topics that I posted was about the pattern of our work with community based on the experiences that people had had over the three days of training. I was interested in seeing if anything we did over three days with forty people in an Art of Hosting could scale up to larger levels in the system. I had …
Photo by Feng Jiang A propos of the interview I did with Dave Pollard last week, there was an interesting comment at Johnnie Moore’s weblog: I can’t help but wonder if, “if we need to discover that we don’t need leaders”, is just wishful thinking on Corrigan’s part. Admittedly, many of those who call themselves leaders are just over-promoted managers at best, or administartors at worst, but we all know great leadership when we see it. And we need it to motivate, cajole and direct those who don’t see the bigger picture and their role in delivering it. Whether we …
Johnnie Moore and I have been trading links about podcasts…today I’ll point you to one he did with Annette Clancy and Matt Moore on shadows in organizations. It’s really, really good, and what got my attention is when Annette asked “what job was your sense of shame doing for the organisation for which you worked?” I first met Annette in 2005 when she responded to an invitation I issued about looking for help designing an Aboriginal youth conference on suicide. She has a great knack for asking these questions and has terrific ideas floating around in her blog. …