Crystal glass water music Indivisible oneness: a gorgeous essay by Evelyn Rodriguez Rheingold on the coming age of cooperation Go fill your ears with music: The mammoth list of mp3 blogs The Grand Plan to get the US onto to solar energy. Some fine organizational tools for non-profits and philanthropic endeavours An amazing conversation on the collective Buddha
Photo by Nathan Ward Little elements that showed up lately: A beautiful periodic table of the elements by printmakers A reason why I love the web: Indian cooking on YouTube Johnnie brings it on with a great find on power. Bonus is that he also introduces me to Greater Good magazine. Dustin Rivers on unschooling as decolonizing liberation. Dude rocks my world. Jack Martin Leith, a fellow Open Space traveller, has been providing interesting resources on collective genius and innovation for years. This is his recent offering, an engaging power point presentation on world views and pathways to collective innovation. …
Little gifts from around the web, deposited into my nest: Dervala, whom I have read and loved for years, is writing beautiful things about chickens. And as for what came first, if only the original had left a note that would last as long as the markers on the Hoover Dam, we would know Amazing presentation of processes of complex problem solving, and some very cool harvesting stuff from Idiagram. In support of this, Jack Martin Leith has a nice set of decision making tools. And here is a nice story about a highly practical tool: perl, the prime programming …
Photo by Vik Nanda Some things popping up and absorbing my attention this week. Mushrooms + human hair = oil spill cleanup Customizing big flying spaces. What will the future archeologists say? The economics and ecologics of such endeavours stagger me. Wow. Ashley dreams of flying,by putting all that space on the OUTSIDE. An old friend from Peterborough, Andy Quan, comes back on my radar with a new book of poems edited by another old friend, John Barton, with whom I was a associate editor of ARC magazine in the early 1990s. I love the web. Good media (page 1, …
A summery Friday here at the Lot. Here’s what tickled my eyes this week: El Cameron, my favourite flamenco singer. Full of duende this night. A brilliantly rendered story of the four quadrants of integral theory. This map is just so helpful in looking at so many sitautions. This particular presentation is a lovely use of web technology as well. So you want to speak Danish? Who wouldn’t… The first place to start is by mastering this phrase: rødgrød med fløde. If you can’t get it on the first or second (or 27th) try, have a look at this detailed …