Starting a new regular type of posting. These are a series of short notes and thoughts, too small to warrant a post, but looking for a home nonetheless, and possibly becoming more. I invite your curiosity on any of this…queries may set me to growing these little guys into something more substantial. Conversations that matter is the home for the world cafe Europe blog. Good reading there. Dave Pollard on the distinctions between dialogue and debate. Dave wrestles with his conscience on this one and comes up with a finer grain analysis as a result. Interesting as usual, and deeply …
I don’t care what your talent is, just do something like this whenever you can and the world becomes that much more livable.
A little marker to note the passing of a great Canadian institution. Tomorrow night, in Massey Hall, The Rheostatics play their last gig. They’ve been at it for over 20 years and it’s coming to an end. If, like me, you never saw them live, you can download some of their shows here. Writing today in the Globe and Mail about their career, guitarist and hockey writer extraordinaire Dave Bidini explained the band’s ethos succinctly:”…We were four satellites who got a long and if you listened closely or saw us on a good night, you got bit.” …
A great tune from oldseed a Winnipeg songwriter who tours around constantly. He’ll be in Vancouver and Bowen Island soon. Go catch him if you can. He’ll be here on Bowen Island on September 22. Contact me if you want more information. Dig the crazy harmonies at the end of this song…amazing passion there. mp3: Oldseed – If you’ve got nothing but light, let it shine
I haven’t posted much music lately, but here’s a track I was listening to last night. Gathered into this play list at Motel de Moka is a beautiful track from Alex Cline called Wreath of Rain. And here it is, an mp3 for your listening pleasure on a summer day when rain threatens. mp3: Alex Cline – Wreath of Rain