I ran a workshop last week for the Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association of British Columbia. The taske was to to spend a day and a half reviewing the high level vision and direction of the organization and to come up with some streams forward to present to the organization’s membership at the AGM. In thinking about the design of the gathering, I chose to consciously use Theory U to help structure a series of exercises. I proposed a five phase process for the day: Sensing needs and purposes and reviewing the world outside Appreciative Evaluation of the organization’s …
Last wekk I was working with some good friends – Kyra Mason, Thomas Ufer, Ruth Lyall, Jennifer Charlesworth and Nanette Taylor. Together we designed and delivered a one day workshop on what we called “Chaordic Leadership in Changing Times.” The focus of the workshop was collaborative leadership practice and we were asking questions about collaborating around a movement in the child and family services sector in British Columbia. Collaborative leadership practice has a couple of key capacities. First is the ability to be in and hold space for conversations that matter. The second is the practice of developing and holding …
Just back from a qucik trip to Victoria. Flew Harbour Air, sat up front in the co-pilot’s seat with my new friend Brad, who is an aspiring musician, autodidact, and all round curious dude. I’ve flown with Brad a couple of times now and we have great conversations about technology, susbistence, land, First Nations, community building, music and culture. It’s always a full 40 minute flight. I snapped a few cool photos on the way: Brad’s office: the cockpit of HA309 a Turbo Otter (and an outside view) “Freighters on the nod, on the surface of the bay, one of …
Photo by Nathan Ward Little elements that showed up lately: A beautiful periodic table of the elements by printmakers A reason why I love the web: Indian cooking on YouTube Johnnie brings it on with a great find on power. Bonus is that he also introduces me to Greater Good magazine. Dustin Rivers on unschooling as decolonizing liberation. Dude rocks my world. Jack Martin Leith, a fellow Open Space traveller, has been providing interesting resources on collective genius and innovation for years. This is his recent offering, an engaging power point presentation on world views and pathways to collective innovation. …
If you would like a flavour of what happens at workshops on the Art of Hosting, here are some links to give you a sense of things. Audio from the Art of Hosting workshop in southern Indiana last fall. These files were made by Jeneal King, one of the participants who took an active role in harvesting the event. Lots to listen to here. Best I think to download and listen off line. Update: No longer up as of August 12, 2008. Ravi Tangri in Nova Scotia has been making a number of videos about Art of Hosting teachings …