My friend Eric Lillius perodically sends me cool bits and pieces. I hadn’t seen this yet though: The Web 2.0 Conversation Prisim. More at PR 2.0.
Day three at Shambhala and I’m humming. The artists staged what I heard was an incredible improvisational performance today that took the idea of being together in a field to a whole new level. I was in a conversation with some Art of Hosting mates at the time that was alos about fields and we were cracking open some deep learning about the ways in which we work together as friends, but the upshot was the same. At the faculty retreat last weekend I sat in with the artists and had a conversation that was about the kind …
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission launches today (hooray that my friend Jane Morley was named as one of the commissioners last week!) and I’m here at Queen’s University in Kingston to run an Open Space as part of a conference of academics, policy makers and public servants from First Nations and non-Aboriginal governments and institutions on the topic. In Canada, the process that is being embarked upon today is spurred by the residential school experience. The main brief of the TRC will be to write the history of that 150 year period in Canadian history when residential school did huge …
Two good friends of mine, Roq Gareau who works for the Canadian Border Services Agency and Orlando Pioche who works for the Indian Health Service in Shiprock, NM. Men doing serious work who work together as deep friends. From Wendel Berry: Good work finds the way between pride and despair. It graces with health. It heals with grace. It preserves the given so that it remains a gift. By it, we lose loneliness: we clasp the hands of those who go before us, and the hands of those who come after us; we enter the little circle of each other’s …
A bench at Killarney Lake near my home on Bowen Island Recent cool stuff Pulse: a book on the coming age of machines inspired by living systems. The whole book is being published by RSS. The Evolutionary LIfe Newsletter. March edition. Life with Thomas: a two part video about sustainable living at the Dancing Rabbit ecovillage. World cafe image bank. Good quote from Viv: ““Knowledge is knowing you’re on a one-way street; wisdom is looking both ways anyway.” Why I let my 9 year old ride the subway alone. On fostering independence in children and bucking the American climate of …