What a pattern…all over the world police attacking citizens…it happened here in Canada too last year during the G20 talks (that probably had some bearing on what subsequently unfolded in Greece). The most powerful line in that video is that one that welcomes us to the age where everyone is innocent except the people, who are guilty. That is a stirring reminder of how this story is being told. If you are not a part of the problem, you cannot be a part of the solution! So, proud to stand with all those who identify as “guilty.” Time for those …
Just dipping into Google+ a little more today. I’ve set up a few circles of friends, family and various professional and local communities of practice. Today I went a step further and set up a circle of “conspirators.” I intend to use this circle for posting process and facilitation design questions for clients and challenges I am currently working with and I invite you to do the same. One of the ways the social web has changed my business practice is that I rarely design projects without checking in with friends first. Usually I do this based on who is …
A brilliant video from Phil Culhane with a simple description of the differences between communication, consultation and collaboration from the perspective of accountabilities.
Two dear friends, Ashley Cooper and Juanita Brown, are up to some world-changing mischief together in the mountains of North Carolina. They are going deep into hosting intergenerational conversations. Here’s why, from Juanita: I have always been fascinated by large-scale systems change and what might enable whole societies to shift into more life-affirming patterns. Over the years I had the great good fortune to have older corporate and community leaders take me under their professional and personal wings as I engaged with this work. I began to think abut the challenges we face at every level of system today. I …
I am here in the Morton Arboretum in Chicago where we are at the end of the first day of an Art of Hosting with our friends in the Illinois community of practice. We have just been harvesting out of a World Cafe that was held on the question of “What time it is in the world?” We used a design I have been using with teams and communities that are needing to do deep sensing. We went for three rounds on the same question and had the hosts at each table go and deeper into the conversations that were …