I was listening to The Current on CBC Radio this morning and I caught an interview with Marlene Brant-Castellano on the newly announced Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Residential Schools (hear the interview here). Back in the mid 1980s when I was at Trent University, Marlene was a professor in the Native Studies Department. She was a beautiful teacher – quiet and inviting and embodying tremendous dignity and powerful conviction all at the same time. I connected with her quite deeply as I began to explore questions of culture and community. It was in her classes …
Navajo people call human beings “five-fingered” people. This refers to the way that Navajos relate their clan connections using the fingers of their hands. The thumb is “shay”, myself. And each one is imprinted with a unique spiral pattern. This spiral pattern is said to emerge when a child has spirit blown into it be the ye’i – the ancestors, who also produce the spiral of hair on the top of each person’s head. The spiral gives life. From there, each person can recite their clan heritage through the remaining four fingers, their father and mother, their father’s mother and …
The Be The Change Earth Alliance presents their kick off symposium on March 28 in Vancouver: You are invited to Be The Change that our planet and all beings are calling for. This volunteer-based citizen engagement program is co-arising to inspire and support each of us in the significant role we have to play at this important ecological time in history. Be The Change begins with a Symposium to activate the calling continues with Be The Change Action Circles that support us in the ongoing transformative process celebrates our commitment and actions with an annual Festival in October engages us …
From last year’s gathering at Rivendell here on Bowen Island, Finn Voldtofte on four good life practices: Stay in inquiry, or stay in the ambition to stay in inquiry Stretch beyond what you know Do what you do for the sake of the whole Speak what you see and feel and allow yourself to be corrected by the field As I reflect on the results of that gathering, including the committment I made to be in inquiry around conscious evolution, I realize that Finn’s words have deeply informed my approach to hosting, to leading from within the field. I was …
Just back from an amazing Art of Hosting in rural Pennsylvania. Found this in my email box upon my return, send to me by my friend Toke: Not just any talk is conversation Not any talk raises consciousness good conversation has an edge It opens your eyes to something It quickens your ears And good conversation reverberates It keeps on talking in your mind later in the day; The next day, you find yourself still conversing with what was said The reverberation afterward is the very raising of consciousness Your mind and heart have been moved Your are at …