A report today from Bowen Island’s marine steward extraordinaire, Adam Taylor: 2025 Herring Spawn started today in Squamish accompanied by Whitesided Dolphins feeding. Herring spawn in Snug Cove was last observed in the +/- 1960s but you never know when nature decides to return. Please keep an eye out for enthusiastic seabird or marine mammal activity along Bowen’s shoreline. Will report back when I hear from folks monitoring Coal Harbour as that’s a bit closer to us. A sure sign of spring! Slhawt’/Herring spawning season is the first big ocean activity to take place after the winter. So although it …

It’s a snow day here on Nexwlelexwm/Bowen Island. After a couple of weeks of clear warms weather, winter seems to have finally gotten around to giving us a little blast of snow and cold. we’re looking at a week or so of colder than normal temperatures on the back of these squally snow events we’ve been having for the past twelve hours. After shovelling and salting the driveway, wrapping my water pump in a blanket and checking the heat tape on the pipes, I settled in to watch soccer and catch up on local news. It’s been 24 hours of …

When I first moved to Bowen Island back in 2001, there was a very active discussion board of Bowen Island issues called the Bowen Island Phorum. This was a typical late 1990s bulletin board type website. Locals could join and make posts and sometimes the discussions would cascade over four or five pages with replies into the hundreds on especially contentious or important issues to our little community. Although that place drove me crazy with frustration a lot of the time, and I used to issue earnest warnings about the tone of some of our debate, which, probably seemed like …

Sitting here in the Seattle airport in the midst of a very long travel delay. We are working in Anchorage this week and flights there have been delayed and cancelled all day due to a massive windstorm. Our flight was due to leave an hour ago. We have another six hours to wait. All good. Travelling in northern North America in the winter requires endless patience and the occasional bout of creative travel planning. There is nothing better than threading the needle to get the last seat. It’s a much better way to channel energy than getting angry at the …