At the Council of Hosts gathering I helped co-convene last November, friends Thomas Arthur and Ashley Cooper gifted us with the most beautiful harvest I have ever seen. Visit the new World Cafe blog to view this short film that says more about our work together with images and music than any written report could ever have done. And this is a lovely tribute to our friend Finn Voldtofte, who was at this gathering, his last conference, and who held space for us to be better and deeper and more clear at ever turn. Finn’s voice is the …
I wasn’t at the Nexus for Change conference although I was there in spirit. I had a few lovely long design talks with Peggy Holman, Gabriel Shirley and Tracy Robinson who were hosting various parts of it. I also followed it online a little and even from a distance it was possible to pick up a thread and extend it a little into my own learning. What stood out for me was this emerging identity as a process artist. John Abbe brought this to my attention with an update to his weblog in which he announced a Nexus project involving …
My friend Jon Husband is alive for the signs that new organizational forms are upon us. He found one today that really rang out for me. It seems that Amerian bloggers having been using distributed networks of readers to find the patterns of organization in a government conspiracy. This is not tin-foil hat stuff. It’s the real deal, with an alarming plan to engineer the firing a number of United States Attorneys for political reasons. The bigest challenge for the bloggers who are following the story is to stay on top of the thousands of documents …
This is what happens when you travel the world with a question: you find teachings in all kinds of unexpected places. There’s a spoiler in here, if you haven’t seen the movie. Last night my family all enjoyed a night in Vancouver, dinner and a movie. We went to see Bridge to Terabithia, which is a pretty good film about two pre-teen outcasts, Jess and Leslie, who find meaning in each other’s imagination. Together they ease each other into opening minds and hearts to create a fantasy world, and it’s neve clear whether or not the world is becoming real …
A nice post at Anecdote outling some simple rules for knowledge management which could make for a nice way to think about organizing harvesting efforts in large scale processes: A simple tip last night from the actKM discussion list contributed by Ivan Webb who provides a ‘strategic job description’” ”that will change the culture of most organisations and leads naturally to knowledge management being embedded in the organisation’s activity. It is everyone’s job to: know what is happening work with others to improve what is happening make it easier for the next person to do their work well I like …