It has been a light week of blogging – I’m taking some time off. At any rate, here are a few notes I’ve collected. The Tällberg Forum: Every year all sorts of interesting people gathering in Sweden to ask questions like “How on Earth can we live together?” You can follow along with their conversations. (via The World Cafe blog) Photography of stones from Douglas Ledbetter and Ashley Cooper. Had some pieces of anarchy come through the filter this week. First, Rukavina on anarchist babysitting, next Pollard on possibility and third, “Anarchism in America” a great full length film. And …
I’m just tucking into to David Weinberger’s Everything Is Miscellaneous. (I chose to start reading at the beginning by the way!). In the second chapter, on alphabetization, Weinberger talks about the arbitrariness of classification schemes for organizing knowledge. Everything ordered by human beings is done so arbitrarily, and no one scheme is going to capture exactly the right kind of order that needs to happens. This is why tagging is so important (and I confess to being a lax lately with tags. Perhaps this is a good time to change that practice). “Knowledge is what happens when the joints of …
Opening space today at the Vancouver Art Gallery, for the United Community Services Co-op and about 70 people from their membership. Lots of interesting conversations about the non-profit sector and a pregnant sense here about something wanting to be born…a network, a learning centre, a practice group. We shall see what emerges. A couple of things that I’m trying here include having people avoid handing in reports that are just bullet form lists (“bullets kill!”) and inviting graphical harvests. The client, playing on the idea of the art gallery location, provided everyone with an empty canvas to fill in, …
near Diest, Belgium We have begun, and now concluded our first day here at Heerlijckyt, snugged in with 26 mates investigating all sorts of questions about the Art of Hosting as it is manifest and practiced here in Europe, as well as elsewhere in the world. We spent much of the day experimenting with sensing the collective field, using a combination of methods including a long and juicy opening circle (during which Toke asked the questions “what called you here? What has called us here? and what might we accomplish together?”). This circle was carefully harvested for larger themes. From …
You know how it is when you are so busy that you don’t have time to even think about your blog much less compose an erudite post about everything you are learning? That’s me right now. But here’s a bit of what I have been doing and some things I’m thinking about: Deepening our work with the Vancouver Island Aboriginal Transition Team including a board strategic planning retreat this weekend where we have asked board members to bring one or two people that support them in their work to contribute to the wisdom in the room. How cool a design …