From a lecture by Phillip K. Dick called “How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later”: “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”
My partner Caitlin is a master of compassionate inquiry. For years she has been working with Byron Katie’s work, using it with herself, in her coaching practice and with our family. She was recently interviewed for Byron Katie’s next book on how the work has changed her parenting, and that interview appeared today on Katie’s website. A bonus she has discovered in her new way of being is that her children involve her more in their processes. They trust her to be present and simply curious with them about whatever they’re dealing with. Together, they come up with ideas and …
“We all fight on two fronts, the one facing the enemy and the one facing what we do to the enemy.” –Joseph Boyden, Three Day Road, p. 301 Three Day Road is about two Oji-Cree soldiers who fight for Canada in the first world war. They survive the fight with the enemy on the battlefield, but they lose the war to the other enemy, the one that lurks on the inner front. It is only *I* that holds others as “enemies.” No one is born into this world as my enemy. I create that story. My …
Notes collected this week: Here is a link to a story of a most remarkable wedding between two lovely women who met on LiveJournal, found help through Craigslist and had it all documented on Blogger, Blogware and YouTube. And what is so remarkable about this story is that it is a story of how these technologies helped people find warmth and kindness and love in a company of strangers. The new world is blossoming, and we are finding one another, and discovering that we are highly pre-disposed to friendship and connection.! If, like me, you are addicted to TED …
Amy Lenzo at the World Cafe blog tossed out a great link today, to the Global Oneness Project, a collection of videos about what we need to do on this earth. The bonus for me is an interview with my friend Tom Hurley, who I met last week in Belgium. I connected very deeply to Tom for a variety of reasons, but we shared a deep set of conversations on topics as diverse as stewardship, governance and the responsibility of love that helped me ground and understand my experience. The video with Tom is a nice summation of our need …