In the OSLIST discussion on circles and presence, I added some thoughts, which I thought I’d republish here… My experience of the circle is first of all, that there has never been a group I have worked with – not business people, airplane engineers, entrepreneurs, government officials, community members – that hasn’t been just fine in a circle. No one has ever asked me not to set the room up a different way, although plenty of people have expressed their doubts that any of it would work. I’ve also done OST in other formats as well, like lecture halls, semi …
Harrison Owen muses on circles, presence and Open Space on the OSLIST: As I have listened to this conversation (a very rich one!) random thoughts came to mind – which may actually fit together? The first one went something like this. We speak, understandably, about “doing an Open Space” – but I suspect that may box us into a corner we need not be stuck in. “Doing and Open Space” implies that we are following a certain set of prescribed procedures, after all Open Space Technology is a method. This is true, but it may also hide a larger truth, …
From whiskey river: “Basically, there can only be two answers. One is to overcome separateness and find unity by regression to the state of unity that existed before awareness ever arose; this is, before man was born. The other answer is to be fully born, to develop one’s awareness, one’s reason, one’s capacity to love to such a point that one transcends one’s own egocentric involvement and arrives at a new harmony – at a new oneness with the world.” – Erich Fromm It’s amazing how the stories we tell ourselves perpetuate our own suffering and inability to fully participate …
Documentary filmmaker Bruce Perry discovers mystical interrelationships through becoming initiated within the Tribe Badongo by taking the powerful Iboga drug. Through a ceremony designed to rebirth him, he expereinces hurt he has done to others from the other’s perspective. This remarkable film is a testament to what traditional knowledge offers us about compassion and empathy, and is a powerful reification of the deep connectedness between humans. [tags]Badongo, iboga, bruce perry, compassion[/tags]
On the OSLIST, Doug wrote: Chris and all– Fields work… Hosting… living in open space… You seem to have these evocative phrases swimming about you, Chris. Would you be so kind as to wax a little more poetic about them, put some more meat on the bones? They are, I think, getting to the heart of the question that started this thread…. The thread was about whether or not the facilitator can take an active role in an Open Space meeting, and what or why not. It has been a good thread. I responded to Doug this way: Well Doug, …