Ice on the lagoon near my home on Bowen Island.
Johnnie Moore tagged me to reveal eight things about myself you probably didn’t know and then tag eight others…alright then. Since 1987 I have worked with the I Ching as a way to understand the pattern language of change, using it to sharpen my seeing about all kinds of situations. I don’t use it as a fortune telling device, rather as a user’s manual to change. It is one of my oldest practices, although by no means a daily one. Since January 1986 I have kept written journals which have recorded 22 years of living. They are …
From my friend Ria, who advanced a little in her inquiry on holding space: When I am holding space, I connect in my body with the unmanifest potential of this person, this group or this place. It asks for an emptiness and a deep stillness inside to be able to carry this potential. Maybe it is better to say to be a container for it, and I mean it in a very physical way. I open my body to be this container in service of something that wants or can become manifest.
Photo by Darwin Bell Hyperlinks – follow these leads a thread. Haiku resources My friend Thomas Arthur, who weaves with gravity, posts Wooshclang! Richard Sweeney weaves with paper. A beautiful and complete list of what the world is made of. Does your disaster plan include conversation to mobilize quickly? Or is it still expert driven? Nice summary of Senge’s core concepts on Learning Organizations You, and many other living creature, have a billion and a half heartbeats to change the world. Change management myths. (Not including the myth that change can be managed, but still…) Doug’s blog: Footprints in …
From a conference call this morning with friends around some big work. We spoke about the fact that the work we are in – large scale systemic change – is plagued with doubt. There is no certainty that what we are doing is the right thing, or whether it will even work. But the project itself exists in a field of doubt, and as that doubt begins to pervade our core teams, the search for certainty becomes desperate. People begin to focus on little things that are going wrong and a depreciative world view takes hold. …